+91 (0)33 2262 8820 info@radikchemicals.com

Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals


Cooling water is a necessity for every large industry including core sectors like power, steel, and oil and gas and processes. Large industrial cooling towers use treated surface water which gets concentrated and is largely exposed to atmosphere and sunlight. This makes it support a variety of algae and suffer from scaling on the heat-exchange surfaces. The treatment scheme therefore aims at preventing or minimizing the growth of algae and scale.

Our Aquapure range of treatment chemicals reduces the blow-down needed and improves the overall efficiency of the process. Some of our applications include:

  • Corrosion inhibitor
  • Bio dispersant
  • Non – oxidizing biocide
  • Antifoulant
  • Oxidizing biocide
  • Oil dispersant

To know more about our various grades of Cooling Tower Water Treatment chemicals, please send us an email, or speak to one of our sales representatives.