+91 (0)33 2262 8820 info@radikchemicals.com

Polyelectrolytes(Coagulants and Flocculants)


Cationic Powders  are used for charging polymers after dissociation in aqueous solution. They are known to have ion exchanging, conditioning, emulsifying, and dispersing ability depending upon purpose of their use.

They play an important role in treatment of waste water by flocculating or precipitating suspended solids for their efficient removal. Our Cationic Polyelectrolytes are water soluble in nature which makes them suitable for use in a wide variety of applications.

We will help you optimize polymer dosing by performing a ‘jar test’. Our laboratories are equipped with viscometers and charge analyzers. We can customize our products, based on your charge and weight requirements.


Anionic Powder is white colored free-flowing powder which is widely used in food processing, chemical, petrochemical, and dairy industries. It can also be used for destabilizing colloidal suspension by inducing flocculation and precipitation.

Our Anionic Polyelectrolytes are compatible to be used for any pH condition which makes it suitable for paper making and wastewater and drinking water treatment industries. It is known to have ability to settle inorganic suspended solids.


We are the leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Non ionic Polyelectrolyte. With the inclusion of advanced technology, we are engaged in offering comprehensive grades of Non Ionic powder Polyelectrolytes in different packaging options at competitive  prices.


Organic coagulants are generally used for solid and liquid separation and sludge generation. Organic formulations are based on the following chemistries:

PolyAMINEs and PolyDADMACs and PolyDCDAs – The most widely used organic coagulants, which are cationic in nature and function by charge neutralization alone. Cationic coagulants neutralise the negative charge of colloids and form a spongy mass called microflocs.

The molecular weight of our polyDADMAC is typically in the range of hundreds of thousands of grams per mole, and even up to a million for some products. PolyDADMAC is usually delivered as a liquid concentrate having a solids level in the range of 10 to 50%. It is a high charge density cationic polymer. The charge density makes it well suited for flocculation. The main advantages of organic coagulants include; lower dosage, lower volume of sludge produced and no effect on the pH.

Our polyelectrolytes are applicable in the following fields,

  • Primary clarification/secondary and tertiary treatment/sludge thickening/sludge dewatering/color removal in industrial waste water treatment
  • Primary treatment/sludge thickening/sludge dewatering in sewage treatment
  • Process industries paper making: retention and drainage
  • Sugar manufacturing: mud settling
  • Chlor-alkali: brine clarification
  • Thermal power: clarification of scrubber water
  • Mining and metallurgy: tailings thickening and water recovery
  • Coal: tailings thickening and water recovery
  • Petroleum: drilling fluids, enhance oil recovery, profile modification